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Keeping Your Laptop Safe And Functional During The Rainy Season

Weather-proof laptop gear you can't do without

Keeping your laptop safe during the rainy season is essential, and having the right accessories can make a big difference. And if you’re wondering just how to do that, here are a few tips and tricks. 

Laptop Safe And Functional During The Rainy Season

  1. Firstly, consider investing in a water-resistant bag pack for your laptop, to ensure no harm comes to it on the go.
  2. Think about adding a cover for your keyboard that's waterproof. These covers are made of silicone and guard your keyboard from spillage and moisture. Also, you should choose a keyboard cover that’s custom fit for your laptop to ensure comprehensive protection. 
  3. Another handy accessory is a waterproof hard-shell case. These snap-on covers add an extra layer of defence against rain and humidity. 
  4. Don’t forget about port covers as well– these small but mighty accessories plug into your laptop’s various ports to prevent water from seeping in. 
  5. Lastly, a moisture-absorbing laptop cooling pad can be a great addition. With these accessories, you’ll keep your laptop safe, functional, and ready for action, no matter how heavy the rain pours.

Safeguarding Your Laptop's Internals

It's vital to protect your laptop when it's raining to ensure optimal performance. Here's how you can make sure it stays well-maintained.

Laptop stand

First, use a laptop stand to give your device some breathing room, like the Croma CRSP015AOC016515 laptop stand. This helps with proper ventilation and cooling, keeping your laptop’s internals safe and sound. Also, keep an eye out and regularly clean those tricky air vents to prevent dust buildup. 


You can also consider purchasing a small dehumidifier for your workspace, such as the Origin O20 dehumidifier, so that moisture levels remain manageable. Additionally, apply a thin layer of dielectric grease to any exposed metal connectors inside your laptop to shield them from moisture. 

Surge protector

Finally, make sure to use a surge protector like the Belkin F9E300ZB surge protector during thunderstorms to safeguard your laptop. Power surges could cause internal damage to even the best laptops from HP, Lenovo, Dell, Acer, ASUS and more, and in turn, increase your Lenovo laptop or HP laptop cost due to repairs. 

How you can ensure safety for your laptop while commuting in the rain

Commuting with your laptop in the rain calls for a few extra steps to keep it safe and dry. 

  1. Before you slip your laptop into your bag, put it first into a waterproof sleeve. This helps add extra protection against sudden downpours, along with protection against bumps, drops, and impact. 
  2. If you're on foot in the rain, make every effort to keep your laptop bag protected underneath your raincoat or umbrella. If you use a two-wheeler to go to work, it might be worth looking into a waterproof laptop bag specifically designed for electronics. These bags often have attached rain covers, waterproof material, roll-top closures, and welded seams that will help to protect your device and essentials from water and moisture. 
  3. If you are a public transport user, then a big rain poncho can shield you and your laptop bag. If your laptop gets wet, fight the urge to switch it on right away or when it gets damp, avoid powering it up. 
  4. Wipe it down with a microfibre cloth and allow it to dry for a full day. In case of extensive damage, try visiting the nearest brand service centre for quick repair and damage control. 

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