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How Important is a Mobile-Friendly Website?

 It wasn’t too long ago that mobile-friendly web design was a cool feature that only global enterprise brands took advantage of. Why? Because it cost a fortune and not that many people were really using their phones to find information anyway, so, what did it matter? 


Mobile-Friendly Website

Fast forward to today, and mobile-friendly websites are no longer just a convenience or a great feature to have — they’re essential. In recent years, the number of mobile users has outpaced desktop users, meaning people demand to have information available to them while they’re on the go. Moreover, it’s not just that you need to make the information for your brand accessible on mobile devices; it needs to be optimized for mobile use. This means your site needs to be responsive to different screen sizes, including mobile devices, so users can easily navigate your pages and learn more about your brand — wherever they are when they’re inclined to do their research. 

The more user-friendly your website is, the more confidence you’ll inspire in each of the customers who use your site. Here, we’ll discuss why a mobile-friendly website is important for your digital marketing efforts.  

1. Users Require Mobile Access 

Sure, people still use desktops and laptops at work, but when they’re on their personal time, they’re likely searching for information on their phones. Whether they’re sitting at dinner, riding the train to work, or hanging out on the couch, they’ve got their phones in their hands.  

People have gotten incredibly used to having instant access to any information they’re looking for, and they expect to be able to find anything on their phones that they would if they were sitting in front of their computers. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, your prospective customers won’t have easy access to the information you want them to know about your brand from their mobile devices; if they come across your site and find it mobile-unfriendly, they’re likely to just move along to your competitors’ sites.  

2. Mobile-Friendliness Boosts SEO 

Google pays attention to sites that are mobile-friendly (and unfriendly) and takes this information into account when it’s deciding where to rank certain links. The search engine’s algorithm prioritizes mobile-friendly sites, which means if you want to keep a high SEO ranking, your site must be mobile-friendly. 

Building your site out in a way that speaks to Google’s needs will help you increase potential overall sales and conversions because it will keep you at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). When you allow users to have a seamless mobile experience, the search engines will reward you for your efforts — and your potential customers will, too.  

3. Mobile-Friendliness Builds Trust 

The majority of internet users won’t recommend a company that has a poorly designed mobile site. That’s a big deal if you want to build trust and gain more followers from the friends and family members of the people who already buy from your brand.  

It’s impractical to risk missing out on customers and referrals over something that can be fixed quite easily, so it only makes sense to give the people what they want. In return, they’ll reward you by recommending your brand to the people in their circles.  

4. Mobile-Friendly Websites Initiate Contact More Easier 

If you want people to engage with your brand — whether it’s a phone call, email, or online purchase — you have to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. A well-built mobile site allows instant contact with your brand at the click of a button, facilitating greater relationships between your brand and the people you’re targeting.   

5. Mobile-Friendly Content is More Shareable 

Shareable content can mean the difference between success and failure when it comes to marketing campaigns. Creating shareable content allows you and your followers to spread information easily. From links on social media to text messaging sites to friends and family, online users want to be able to share information that piques their interests. 

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s hard for people to share information they find interesting or exciting. Even if someone goes out of their way to share your site from their desktop, chances are, the recipient will try to open it on their phone, and they’ll have a bad experience if your site isn’t set up for mobile devices. 

Having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for ensuring that visitors can easily navigate and interact with your content, regardless of the device they use. For e-commerce sites, implementing a mobile-friendly checkout is essential to enhance user experience and reduce cart abandonment.

6. Mobile-Friendliness Keeps People’s Attention 

One aspect of a mobile-friendly site design is that it has a quick load time. You can’t afford to have a slow-loading website when many of today’s online users don’t have the attention span to sit through several seconds of load time. Your potential customers will bounce off your site in a heartbeat if they have to wait more than three seconds for it to load.  

Lesson learned: a mobile-friendly website isn’t just about the front-end design; it also incorporates the backend. 

In the end, if you want to remain competitive in today’s landscape, you have to have a mobile-friendly site that’s user and Google-friendly. 

1 comment

  1. It's super important to have a website that works well on phones and tablets. That way, more people can use it easily, even when they're not on a computer. If you want your business to do well online, making sure your website works on mobiles is a big deal. You can get help with that at []
