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Marketing In A Startup: 5 Key People To Help Your Project Rock The Market

 About 90% of startups close in the first year of their existence, but investors willingly continue to participate in the development of new projects. So, the main task of startup marketing is to find valuable specialists and convince investors to invest in your project.


So, today we will tell you about which key specialists you need to hire at the very start of your brand.

Most startups have a marketing team. Usually, in the early stages of a company's formation, almost everything is fulfilled by the CEO and other Chief specialists. What is a C-level executive? Read the fullest guide in the blog of B2B marketing expert Belkins.

Over time, the Chief executives cannot bear all the functions, and then you need to look for people in your team who will work on a startup with you.

So, what kind of employees must be in the project to bring success to the company?

#1. Marketing Director

At the beginning of the company's development, the marketing director plays the role of a marketer rather than a director.

The list of their tasks includes:

● Organization and coordination of the marketing department;

● Generation of ideas;

● Drawing up a business plan;

● Analysis of promising directions for the development of the project;

● Creation of advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness;

● Working with narrowly targeted software like cold email outreach tools to increase sales at the start.

The marketing directors in most cases have a good strategic vision. Thanks to their analytical mind, they know whether a startup should buy business leads or attract them organically. Also, the marketing director is famous for their team management skills. Another of the most important traits of a person in this position is empathy towards the target audience and their team.

#2. Product Manager

According to statistics, 60% of product managers possess fundamental analytics knowledge that enable them to explore indications without consulting other specialists. This is a golden ticket for a small business that has just been launched.

As a rule, the product manager does:

● Allocation of technical team resources;

● Assignment of technical tasks;

● Company performance tracking.

A product manager is in many ways an entrepreneur. They should clearly feel how a particular business works, how everything is interconnected, and be involved in the process.

#3. Designer

Now it is difficult to promote a brand without mastering the online format, so it is important to take care of placing a business online. Moreover, a nice design provides 75% confidence in the company's website. It can also act as a high-quality lead generator.

In the first stages, the role of the designer is quite flexible – they’re responsible for:

● The packaging of the product itself;

● Creation of advertising design of the company, goods, and services.

Every year design becomes more and more about metrics, that is, it can be calculated. Therefore, the designer needs to display the company's message in such a way that it is possible to track the growth of conversion.

A designer must be able to work well in conjunction with a copywriter. Both positions are responsible for the meanings, although in their different manifestations. Working in unison, they can convey to the user organically complementary key messages that will build the necessary associations and brand loyalty.

#4. Marketing Analyst

Marketing data analysts are the brand’s backbone. They are great at quantitative and qualitative market analysis, carefully study statistics, interpret the results, immerse themselves in prospecting, and help the brand understand the result from its marketing strategies.

So, a marketing analyst is an employee who will conduct all research for the development and promotion of the project.

The main thing for a marketing data analyst is to be on close terms with the numbers. It is important not only to be able to collect numbers but also to see the relationship between them to determine where more effort is needed to get the best result.


#5. Copywriter

The goal of copywriting is to improve both the B2C and B2B lead generation through words. They should be able to clearly communicate the benefits of the product to the consumer, as well as help your business improve search engine rankings through text.

To achieve this, you need to understand the psychology of people and what makes them make a purchase. So a copywriter is a specialist responsible for all company texts: from product descriptions on the website to press releases for the media.

The main quality of a copywriter is the ability to get to the bottom of the entire amount of information that they receive and determine what will play the greatest role.

Multiplicity and the ability to accurately formulate a thought are possible only if the copywriter is also a good researcher who can analyze information.


What kind of people to look for?

There are no irreplaceable specialists, but there are people with whom it is pleasant to work and achieve goals. 

In addition to hard skills, startup employees must have the following qualities:

● Stress resistance is the ability to quickly adapt to difficult life situations, not allowing negative emotions to take over. This is especially true when starting a new business.

● Proactivity – focusing on what's important, not just what's urgent. These are a kind of strategic initiatives that bring the goals closer to reality.

● Courage is the ability to take risks that go against the principles of the company. Courageous employees make decisions that can lead to revolutionary changes in the organization.

● Passion for experimentation. The market changes almost daily. To keep up with its pace, you need to experiment, and do what no one has done – then there is a high probability of getting ahead of competitors.

A company without a strong and cohesive team is unlikely to be able to build a successful business. Therefore, understanding all the intricacies of management and recruitment, team building, and effective communication in the workplace can significantly bring your startup to a leading market position.

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