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High Performance Computing Services: Real World Applications

 High performance computing (HPC) is the process of receiving, processing, and storing vast quantities of information. It leverages and distributes resources to solve intricate problems with large datasets stored in data warehouses. We’re not talking about your typical spreadsheet with a table, we’re referencing massive datasets like petabytes to zettabytes in size. These computers are used for loads of applications, but this article will focus on 3 key industries; automotive, retail, and cryptocurrency.

High Performance Computing Services

HPC and Automotive

Did you know that your average American uses 34 gigs of data every day? Seems like a big number when you think about what you’re paying for your mobile plan. But when compared to your self-driving car at 4,000 gigs of data per day, we’re not using that much! The demand for HPC services grows every day. When you think about the computers in your car that offer lane assist, obstacle alerts, automatic parking, and brake assists, think about how all that data is processed and stored in real-time. High performance computing services take all that raw information, process it, store it and translate it into the automation that your car comes equipped with. This is how your Tesla can follow you down the street, or even park itself. 

HPC and Retail

HPC is all about storing and actioning large amounts of data, an essential part of retail and fast fashion. Millions of people every day go shopping for clothes. Vast data management systems need to be created so fashion providers can keep up with the latest trends and shopping habits. Without this information, these providers will not be able to keep up with what’s happening in the market. Companies like Primark, Zara, and Burberry are all industry leaders using HPC services to manage their inventory and market tracking.

HPC and Cryptocurrency

The last industry of focus is a cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin mining. Historically, mining for Bitcoin was done at home on modified computers spread sporadically across the world. There was very little collaboration or corporate context in the equation. Now the crypto world has changed. The rise of institutional investors has brought an equal uptick in Bitcoin mining companies and their use of HPCs. Due to the complex algorithms and processing power required to mine this cryptocurrency, HPC services have helped companies solve these issues and provide more streamlined mining services to their customers. 

From self-driving cars to complex mining algorithms, these are just a few of the ways HPC services are used in the real world. It’s apparent that this is a small list, and as the need for information grows, so will the continued need for high performance computing services. 

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