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Fansly Advice: How to promote your Fansly Account?

If you’re someone who has recently switched from OnlyFans to Fansly or wants to switch due to the ban announcement on OnlyFans, this guide will help you with ways to promote your new Fansly account.


Let’s start with What is Fansly? Fansly is the new hub for content creators who began looking for a new platform to share their content. Since the announcement of OnlyFans banning adult content, creators needed a safe haven to publish content and earn money. As the news broke out, Fansly started getting 4000 new applications every hour from creators who were switching platforms.

The popularity of Fansly has grown manifolds since, and now it stands as one of the preferred choices for content creators. Fansly takes a 20% commission on all earnings, which is the same or better than the usual market commission. 

Now creating a new profile on Fansly is easy, but you need to promote it to let the audience know that you have switched to Fansly. In this guide, I’ll tell you a few ways in which you can promote your Fansly account to reach the right audience.

Social Media

Today, almost everyone is on social media channels and platforms, making it the best place to promote your Fansly account. But remember, not all social platforms allow you to publish NSFW content, so you need to be careful of what you’re posting on which channel.

Facebook & Instagram

Facebook & Instagram are platforms with a large user base, and if you have a good following on these platforms then getting new subscribers for your Fansly account will be easier. Both these big platforms are very strict against posting any NSFW content on their platform, so be careful of that. 

Be subtle in your messaging on Facebook and the way you promote. You cannot post direct links on Facebook, but you can share your Fansly account and direct users to your new Fansly account.

On Instagram, you can post your Fansly link in your bio on your profile. You can use the post and stories feature on Instagram to direct people to your Fansly link. Use Instagram hashtags and post regularly to gain more followers on Instagram and drive them to your Fansly account. Stay away from any NSFW content, and you should be good. 


Reddit is a platform that allows NSFW content to be posted and has a lot of readers who can be your prospective followers on Fansly. You just have to give a disclaimer that your content may be sensitive for some users, and you’re good to go. There are many subreddits that allow you to post your Fansly profile link in the comments. If you’re regular, then you stand a good chance of earning new followers from Reddit.


Twitter is a great place to look out for new followers for your Fansly account if you have a good following on their platform. You can leverage the following you have on Twitter and direct them to your Fansly account. You can easily post your Fansly profile links on Twitter and even post some of your content to lure users to visit your Fansly account.

TikTok & Snapchat

TikTok has a massive following which you can use to your advantage to get more subscribers. Be careful not to be too direct and open in posting NSFW content, as you might get banned. Instead, share some highlights of your content with a link to your Fansly profile.

Snapchat is a platform that has a huge fan following and is a great prospect to promote your new Fansly account. You can send out snaps of your content on Snapchat luring users to join you on Fansly. Provide your Fansly link on your profile and snaps to divert traffic to your Fansly profile.


YouTube is the largest video platform in the world and has a lot of users on it. If you have a good following on YouTube, then you direct your subscribers to your Fansly account to access content that they won’t find on YouTube. Share snippets of your Fansly content on YouTube to give a glimpse to the users of what’s in store for them on your Fansly profile.

Fan Communities

There are many fan communities on the internet where you can find a massive number of people to promote your Fansly account. These fan communities provide a large database of users to whom you can share your Fansly profile link. Keep following and be active in these fan communities to build a trust factor with the users and then share your Fansly profile to make them join your Fansly.

Shout outs

Cross promotions are an excellent way to gain new followers for your Fansly account. Don’t go and share every profile you see; instead, try to build a rapport with people having similar interests like you, and then you can approach them to give your profile a shout out and vice versa.

Some might return a shout out, and some might not. Keep in touch with the people who give you a shout out and keep promoting their profile sometimes. This will help you build a solid network for cross promotion which is very helpful in gaining new users.


If you have been looking to start afresh on Fansly, then these promotion methods will come in very handy to help you gain followers and subscribers on your new Fansly account. Once you have enough subscribers, then you can focus on other ways to make money through your Fansly account. You can look at getting tips, selling products, sending PPV messages, and many other monetization methods.

Once you know where your potential target audience is, it’s easier to get on those platforms to promote your new Fansly account. As they say, it’s always better to be at the right place at the right time.

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