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Future Trading Through Share Financing

 Stock market trading is all about grabbing the opportunities and investing while the market is at its peak and investors should be able to get access to the capital quickly. But what happens if you are already occupied by other investments? This is where financial trading companies come in. These firms help you to unlock the importance of the existing portfolio of shares by using share financing. This will provide you with greater flexibility in cash flow and the power of buying shares.

Share financing

There are many leading brokerage companies in Singapore that have more than thirty years of experience in derivatives, futures trading, leveraged futures foreign exchange, and securities. These firms based in Singapore serve customers that range from institutions and corporates to retail. Their key player is the Institution Desk in the field of inbound high flow orders through Direct Access Market and Electronic Desk-Access.

They are very reliable as they offer end-to-end encrypted trading and they use a global provider of service to customize the foreign shares.

How can Share Financing help you improve your cash flow?

Share Financing is a type of leveraged trading. Share Finance can help the investors to utilize their existing value of shares to be able to fund new investments without even selling any of their present shares. Brokerage firms in Singapore give a platform to investors to enhance the existing capital by giving the marginal shares to the firm. This can maximize the investor’s purchasing power with approximately three times leverage for investing in shares they want to buy (terms and conditions applied).

How does it work?

Investors improve their flexibility of cash flow simply by transferring their safety margin amount to increase their power of buying shares and to free their asset values. When the investors sell their shares, the interests along with the borrowed amounts are paid back to the firm, while you can keep the remaining amount of profit.


How share financing work

What are the benefits of Share Financing?

● Low rate of interest without any cost in break fund.

● Firms understand margin percentage and margin call.

● Firms allow you to trade even beyond Singapore.

● You can save on the conversion costs of foreign exchange.

● Firms even allow you to make use of the loan through the Financing Share Option for employees (terms and conditions applied)

● Firms in Singapore offer QPL (quality-priced loan) feature.

● Rates of online commission and interest credit are lower with QPL.

What are the risks?

●If the collateral asset’s value decline below the marginal requirement for maintenance then the investor will have to deposit additional funds on very short notice to maintain their position.

● If one fails to comply then the positions can be liquidated, at a loss for which the invertor will be totally liable.


Trading promotes personal monetary growth and helps the countries to reach their goals for development. International trading will raise your living standards. Trading using leveraged futures assets is in trend and if one carefully plans to invest then there is no looking back. You are all set for the future!

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