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Why Should You Use Ruby on Rails for Web Development in 2022?

 Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework that works with the Ruby programming language. It is one of the most preferred web application development choices even in 2022. It is mainly used for back-end development. Ruby on Rails is introduced by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2005. It works with HTML, Javascript, and CSS to create web applications on web servers. Let's look at the top reasons why choose RoR as your back-end development partner even in 2022.

Ruby on Rails for Web Development

Top Reasons To Choose Ruby On Rails For Web applications Development

As we know, Ruby on Rails is one of the most used frameworks for back-end web applications. According to the report by Statista, 7.04% of users choose RoR as their web development framework.

Ruby on Rails for Web Development

Source: Statista

RoR works on MVC ( Model Views Control )architecture, and these three layers are interconnected. 

●M - Model works with business logic and rules that handle the application's data. 

● V - Views are the HTML files used to embed the data that includes Ruby code displayed in various formats.

● C - Controller is the control that works with Model and views to fetch the data from the Model and display it with Views' help.

Ruby on Rails can develop full-stack web applications that include front-end and back-end. Click here If you are looking to hire Ruby on rails developer.

RoR brings speed and simplicity to web apps development as it is so convenient to understand. Sometimes it feels like you are reading English. Getting in touch with the best ruby on rails experts is a good idea because they provide multiple plugins that reduce the development time and support developing complex and multi page applications.

As we know, Ruby on Rails is open source, which makes it more cost-efficient. Moreover, RoR has a bigger community. According to GitHub, RoR has 50.1k stars and 20.1k forks, making it more useful for web applications development.

Click to more about the benefits of Ruby on Rails for application development.  

What Type of Product Owners Use RoR for Web Development?

Ruby on Rails is the most convenient and easy-to-implement programming language. Moreover, RoR is flexible for all businesses, whether they are small or large, and because of that, it grabs the attention of multiple types of businesses. Here's the list of all the shapes and sizes of business categories that use RoR for web development.

● Start-ups: Start-ups prefer using RoR for web development, especially in back-end web applications development, because it can develop applications faster than any other technology.

This automatically reduces the cost of development which plays a very important role for any start-up.

●Enterprises: Web application development for enterprises is complicated because they need customization based on their business models. Ruby on Rails is best for you to deal with these complexities as it can deal with difficult code that is used to develop multifaceted applications.

The features that make RoR the preferred choice by enterprises are given below:

1. It brings Scalability to the business with the ability to handle thousands of users and match the consistency required to scale the business.

2. RoR has rapid testing functionality that helps eliminate the bugs and other problems that might occur in the applications.

● Corporate: Corporate or big companies like Airbnb, Groupon, Shopify, Twitter, Soundcloud, and many others use Ruby on Rails for their app development.

The reasons for using this framework by these companies are similar to Start-ups and enterprises. Moreover, there are a few more reasons that make Ruby on Rails different from others.

1. The extensive arrays that RoR offers that cover authentication, accounting, and security have played a major role in attracting the eCommerce industry.

2. The unique style of faster development of API and parallel scaling has made social media platforms choose Ruby on rails framework for their back-end development.


RoR can be considered one of the oldest frameworks of Ruby programming language. However, its popularity and usage has remained consistent.

Ruby on Rails is a trusted framework for developing business-grade web applications. Software libraries offered by RoR have a major impact on developers and business as it provides a free hand in adjusting or customizing your applications to fulfill the need and requirements of the business. 

Author Bio: 

Chandresh Patel is a CEO, Agile coach and founder of Bacancy Technology. His truly entrepreneurial spirit, skillful expertise and extensive knowledge in the Agile software development services has helped the organization to achieve new heights of success. Chandresh is fronting the organization into global markets in a systematic, innovative and collaborative way to fulfill custom software development needs and provide optimum quality services.

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